EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 July
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
197 lines
/* Simple example and test program to demonstrate use of template Listview
class */
#define MUIPP_DEBUG // Turn debugging mode on for invalid use of classes
//#define MUIPP_NOINLINES // No inlines makes code compile quicker but the resulting
// executable is larger and slower. Best to use this
// option when developing and turn off for final release.
#define MUIPP_TEMPLATES // Allows use of MUI template classes
// This is the main C++ header file
#include <libraries/mui.hpp>
#include <inline/exec.h>
// These objects are inserted directly into the listview. Using template
// listview means that the objects are retrieved and inserted as Person
// objects (ie there is no need to convert to/from void *).
class Person
Person (const char *_name)
name = (char *)_name;
char *name;
typedef ULONG (*HookFunction)();
struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL;
struct Library *MUIMasterBase = NULL;
// Hook function to display Person object in listview
DisplayPerson (void)
register Person *a1 asm("a1"); Person *person = a1;
register char **a2 asm("a2"); char **column = a2;
column[0] = person->name;
struct Hook displayHook = {{NULL, NULL}, (HookFunction)DisplayPerson, NULL, NULL};
// Although the listview is passed by value it is actually passed by reference
// always. This is because the class is only a wrapper to the BOOPSI class
// and only has one attribute - the BOOPSI object pointer. Hence, it is the
// equivalent of passing an Object * on the stack.
PrintPersonList (CTMUI_Listview<Person> list)
// You can use Length() or Entries() to get the length of a list
int numPeople = list.Length();
printf ("Number of people in list = %d\n", numPeople);
// You can treat Listviews just like arrays!!
for (int i = 0; i < numPeople; i++)
printf ("%d %s\n", i, list[i].name);
main (void)
// Open libraries required
if ((IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary ("intuition.library", 0)) == NULL)
printf ("Could not open intuition.library\n");
return 10;
if ((MUIMasterBase = OpenLibrary ("muimaster.library", 0)) == NULL)
printf ("Could not open muimaster.library\n");
return 10;
// Declare template Listview of type Person to display list of people
// NOTE: This does no initialization, it's just a declaration.
CTMUI_Listview<Person> list;
CMUI_Window window;
// Create Application object. I am not using any shortcuts here to create
// the objects. I actually prefer the layout like this than when using
// shortcuts. If you prefer the old way of creating objects by using the
// shortcuts then you can still do this. See the shortcuts.cpp example
// for details as some shortcuts have had to change name so as not to clash
// with class member functions.
CMUI_Application app
MUIA_Application_Title, "TListview",
MUIA_Application_Author, "Nicholas Allen",
MUIA_Application_Base, "TEST",
MUIA_Application_Copyright, "AllenSoft",
MUIA_Application_Description, "Test Program For Template Listview class",
MUIA_Application_Version, "$VER: Test 1.0 (17.9.96)",
SubWindow, window = CMUI_Window
MUIA_Window_Title, "Test Program For Template Listview class",
MUIA_Window_ID, 10,
WindowContents, CMUI_VGroup
Child, list = CTMUI_Listview<Person>
MUIA_Listview_List, CMUI_List
MUIA_List_DisplayHook, &displayHook,
MUIA_CycleChain, 1,
MUIA_ShortHelp, "Listview created using templates!!",
TAG_DONE // Don't forget these if you're not using shortcuts!
// Any MUI object created as a C++ class can be tested for validity by
// calling its IsValid() method. This method just checks that the
// BOOPSI object pointer is not NULL.
if (!app.IsValid())
printf ("Could not create application!\n");
return 10;
// Insert some new people into the listview!!
list.InsertBottom(new Person ("Nick"));
list.InsertBottom(new Person ("Dom"));
list.InsertBottom(new Person ("Mart"));
list.InsertBottom(new Person ("Nicky"));
// This only copies 4 bytes onto stack!! It is the same as passing a
// BOOPSI Object *
PrintPersonList (list);
// Setup close window notification.
// Because Notify() is a variable args method we have to pass sva as the
// first parameter. Failing to do this will result in an error at
// COMPILE time so there won't be any weird crashes by forgetting to do
// this.
window.Notify(sva, MUIA_Window_CloseRequest, TRUE,
app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
ULONG sigs = 0;
BOOL running = TRUE;
while (running)
switch (app.NewInput(&sigs))
case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit:
running = FALSE;
if (sigs)
sigs = Wait (sigs | SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
if (sigs & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) break;
// This disposes of the application and all windows and objects in the
// windows.
CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
CloseLibrary (MUIMasterBase);
return 0;